Tuesday 9 August 2011

Young savvy consumer for real insight?

A 10 yr old child demonstrated a series of flaws in mobile games at the latest DefCon hacker conference (!)
Going by the handle CyFi, the hacker presented her findings at the DefCon hacker conference held in Las Vegas.
CyFi discovered the bug after getting bored with the pace of farming games and seeking ways to speed them up.
As you know (!) many farm-based games force players to wait hours before they can harvest a crop grown from virtual seeds. As a result CyFi, started fiddling with the clock on her handset to see if she could produce crops more quickly….
She found that advancing the clock on a tablet or phone can, in many games, open a loophole that can be exploited.
The conference organisers now have a series of sessions aimed at a new generation of tinkerers….
A lesson for us all in tapping into the savvy consumer a little earlier, and really listening…?

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